1. How to apply for / get allotment of units in Demat mode?

Investors/applicants desiring to get allotment of units in demat mode must have a beneficiary account with a Depository Participant (DP) of the Depositories i.e. National Securities Depositories Limited (NSDL) / Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).

2. How to convert the units held in SOA (Physical) mode to Demat mode and vice-versa i.e. Demat mode to SOA (Physical) mode?

In case the unit holder wishes to convert the units held in non-demat mode to demat mode at a later date, a Conversion Request Form signed as per mode of holding together with the Statement of Account issued by the AMC should be submitted to their Depository Participant(s).

To convert units held in demat mode to non-demat mode, a Conversion Request Form signed as per mode of holding should be submitted to their Depository Participant(s).

The DP would transmit the Conversion Request to the Depositories after proper verification for processing by RTA/AMC.

3. The procedure for a change in an investor’s profile/bank account details etc. in respect of units held in demat mode (To whom the investor is required to approach, in case of such requests)?

In case of a request about a change in profile or Bank Account Details, etc in respect of Units held in Demat mode, the investor is required to approach the depository participant (DP).

4. How to redeem the units held in Demat mode?

To redeem mutual fund units held in demat mode, unitholders can do so through their depository or stockbroker via exchange platforms like BSE STAR MF or NSE MFSS. Investors must submit the required documents and information as requested by the depository or stockbroker. Once the redemption request is received, the AMC/RTA will process it after necessary validations.